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Course content and features

When you purchase a course from instanthelp, you will have a set number of months to access the course material. This period will start at the point of purchase. You will have access to all course material for 3, 6 months or 12 months, depending on the course and the level of certification: Easy level - 3 months access Smart Level - 6 months access Business Level - 12 months access If you prefer to postpone the start date or find out when your course leave will expire, contact the instanthelp Support Team.

Technical Questions

E-Learning courses are compatible with all modern Internet browsers. However, you may be prompted to update your browser if you are using an older version. Access to your course: To access an instanthelp course, you will need one of the following Internet browsers (Windows & Mac): Google Chrome (latest version) Microsoft Edge (latest version) Firefox (latest version) * Microsoft Edge, Firefox and Chrome have a continuous release policy that makes it difficult to fix a "minimal" version. Therefore, we recommend that you use the latest version. Flash Player Requirements: Our courses require the correct display of Flash Player (v10.3 or later). Click here to download the latest version of Flash Player. Access your lesson from a mobile device: Safari (Apple iOS 8 or later) Google Chrome (Apple iOS 8 or later) Google Chrome (Android OS 4.1 or later)

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